Friday, July 11, 2008


Aaron got back from a backpacking trip on Wednesday. My father-in-law (DeVon), three of my brothers-in-law (Joe, Jason, and Andrew), a friend of my father-in-laws and many animals (4 horses, 2 dogs, and 2 goats) made up the group that went. From all of the stories that I've heard and the pictures I've seen they had a really good time, except maybe for the hike out to the truck. Our dog Jack messed up his back paws and could hardly walk. He is now retired from backpacking. Here is a little video of some of the fun they had.

I'll have to make Aaron post some pictures and tell you more about the trip. They get to see some really beautiful things on their backpacking trips. Some day I'll be able to go with them.


CDMommy said...

Now that looks refreshing!

Jason said...

Very nice, I have been waiting for some pictures of this trip to be put up. What you cant see is me running up and giving the "SAFE" call from home base. Oh well. Good post!

Wendy Day said...

It's nice to see that Aaron is just as crazy as ever.