Hailey loves her little brother and sister. She always wants to know where they are and loves to help mom with them. She also loves to give them kisses and talk to them. When either one gets upset she will go to them and try to give them their plug (pacifier). If that doesn't work, which is most of the time because she tends to put the plug in upside down, she'll talk to them trying to make them happy.
Chris watching Hailey, whose ready to strike!
Attack of the BIG SISTER!!!
Contrary to this picture Maddie is actually her favorite. Hailey specifically asks for Maddie to sit next to her in the car. And if you ask Hailey she which she likes better she will usually tell you Maddie. Must be a girl thing.
All three of your children. We had to hurry with this picture since Chris and Maddie were grabbing and pulling Hailey's hair.