Here are the vital statistics that you all have been waiting for, Christopher Aaron Walton was 6lb 3oz, 19 inches long and was born at 4:40pm on October 21 2008 and Madalynne Lily Walton was 6lb 1oz, 18 1/2 inches long and was born at 4:43 pm on October 21 2008. Both are doing great and so are mom and dad. Big sister, Hailey loves her new baby brother and sister, although she is currently at my parents and hasn't been home with them yet. I don't think that her feelings will change once she is back home. Here are some pictures for all of you to enjoy. You can also go to and check out the pictures that the hospital took.
So cute. I can't believe you guys have twins. Time goes by so fast. Congratulations. Good Luck with everything.
Yay! They are here! Can't wait to hold them. I think it is adorable that they want to be close to each other. Don't you always hope it is so?
YEA!!!! Thanks for posting pics of the adorable new additions. They are soooo CUTE!! Good luck! :)
They are sooooo CUTE/HANDSOME. I am so excited for you guys. I hope that all went well. I would love to hear all about it. I'm glad everyone is happy and healthy. Are you getting much sleep? We are suppose to be coming in December. Hopefully you guys will be around so we can meet all the kids. Love ya guys.
Major congrats you guys! They are adorable & were both a great size for twins. Way to go Amber!!!! (and Aaron)
They are beautiful and I cant believe you had 12 pounds of baby! I thought 5 pounds was rough, congrats and welcome the two cuties for the Scoubes!
I hope you remember who I am (I used to work with Aaron and I'm friends with Amanda). Anyway, congrats on having twins! That sounds like a lot of work, but so much fun at the same time. Good Luck!
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