Tuesday, September 28, 2010

4 Stars

Hailey has been potty trained since she was just over 2 years-old. However she sleeps very, very soundly at night and doesn't wake up to go to the bathroom, so she has been wearing pull-ups at night ever since. During the summer we made a deal with her that if she was dry 4 nights in a row we would by her a pair of Lelli Kelly shoes. Lelli Kelly shoes are very sparkly tennis shoes. She has wanted a pair of theses shoes ever since she saw a commercial for them a while ago. When she is dry in the morning we put a purple star on the calendar. This weekend she got her 4th star!!!


Christine said...

Way to go Hailey!! Wear your sparklies with pride. :)

Shi said...

Good job Miss Hailey! Those shoes are really fun! I can see why she likes them. :)