My In-laws just had their anniversary. For the occasion my father-in-law bought my mother-in-law a picture frame and wanted a picture of all of our kiddos to put in it. This was the best I could get.
Hailey got to go to a pumpkin patch with her pre-school class and made a really cute scarecrow hat!
Our little Christopher and Madalynne are now 2!!! Actually they have been two for almost a month, but I've been a little busy. On their birthday we had a little celebration with just our family. They each had a cupcake after dinner and we sang to them. They weren't really sure what was going on, but had fun anyways. That next weekend we had a small party for them. Some friends and family came over for pizza, cake and to hang out and/or play. They had SO much fun!!!
Birthday morning opening cards from their Great Grandparents in Arizona and Aunt, Uncle and cousins in N. Carolina. Thanks for remembering them guys!!
Our CUTIES!!!!
Opening presents. Thanks everyone!!
(They're half naked because presents came after eating cupcakes)
The whole trick-or-treating crew!! This year was the first year Chris and Maddie really understood what was happening and they really liked trick-or-treating.
We went to check on the kids before going to bed and this is what we found. Aaron woke him up and got him out. While Aaron was under there he said it was kind of nice, warm and cozy.
Hailey loves to get all of her "pretties" and shows tells me "Mommy I'm stylish!" she usually does this right before daddy gets home, cause she wants him to see.
My brother and his wife came to Cali to visit. They came up and spent the afternoon at our house. They got to meet Izzy and play with our other munchkins. They also told us some exciting news, they are expecting!!!
Isabella turned on month old yesterday. She has grown so much. I don't have any stats to report since she doesn't go to the doctor for a well baby check-up until she's two months. She holds her head up and smiles a lot (mostly at her Daddy).She is doing much better with sleeping. Still a little fussy some nights, but way less then she use to. She is adored by her siblings. Hailey loves to pick out Izzy's PJ's and clothes. I think Hailey thinks Izzy is her own real life doll.
Izzy is the 14th grandchild for my parents. She also evens out the number of grandsons and granddaughters, at 7 each. In a conversation with my brother, he had an interesting question that since 2004, when my parents 3 younger girls all got married, has there been a time that either one of the daughters or daughter-in-law has not been pregnant?