We just had our 3rd little girl! Isabella Iris was born on Sunday, September 5th. She was 8lbs 5oz and 19inches long. She and I came home the next day!! She is sweet, quiet and a good sleeper. She is LOVED by her siblings!!!
There isn't really much to her delivery story, but for those of you that might be interested. I woke up with contractions around 3 in the morning. They were about 10 minutes apart. Not close enough to do anything, but close enough to not to be able to go back to sleep. So I got up and picked up the house and finished packing the twins to spend a couple of days with my mom (thanks a million for taking them mom!!!). At about 6:00 I woke up Aaron and he called his mom, so she could come over and be with the kids. Because I'd been moving around my contractions were now 4 to 5 minutes apart. We left for the hospital. Once I had been checked and was lying in bed my contraction began to be farther apart (of course). After a while I was back to having contractions every 4 to 5 minutes. I got an epideral and then turned to lay on my side to help the little one along. From there it was time to start pushing. About 4 pushes later, at 1:47 pm, Isabella was born.
Busy Week
1 week ago
Oh just so cuddle-able!!!!
I'm so happy for you and Aaron. What a special gift. :)
Wait a minute! What the crap? I'd totally forgotten you were pregnant again. I'm a horrible friend. Congrats you guys. :)
So Sweet!!!!
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