I would like to get Hailey potty trained!!! With 3 kids in diapers we spend a lot of money on diapers. She is very, very stubborn (not like her mom or dad at all, Ha! Ha!) She will sit on her potty for a while and then say "I'm all done" and she hasn't gone. Once I put a diaper on her then she'll go pee. It's kind of frustrating!!! We've bought her books, which she knows by heart because we've read it so many times. We've tried using using "potty candy" as a reward. I ask her all the time if she wants to go in her big girl potty. She usually thinks about it for a second and then says "No". We bought her Disney princess pull-ups and use those as a reward as well. It doesn't work. When she gets upset that we are changing her diaper we tell her Mommy and Daddy won't have to change your diaper if you go potty in the big girl potty. She still doesn't care. With Chris and Maddie needing my attention too I don't know what to do. Help!!! Any thoughts?
Busy Week
1 week ago
I am no help in this department. Brendan is in the same boat. He went potty long enough to get the reward present and then stopped all together. I guess I'll be reading your comments for ideas. :)
We don't have kids yet...so no real advice. Just a good luck wish!!!
This is what we did for Kaylee. It didn't work right away but she is pretty much potty trained now. We took her to the store and let he pick out "Big Girl" panties, which she wore over her pull ups. We also told her that once she was potty trained that she could have/do something special and let her pick what she wanted. She wanted her ears pierced. That is what she is going to get. My cousin dedicates a day or two to potty training. Which probably won't be easy since you have the twins because you can't leave the house on those days. She would put panties on her girls, set the "big girl" potty chair in the middle of the living room and every 15 mins ask if they needed to go and would have them sit on the potty chair. It worked for her. I'm sure there are thousands of ways to do it. Unfortunately, you have to find what works for her. Good Luck!!!
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