Sorry, I know it's been a while but life around here is a little crazy and doesn't leave much time for Mom to do some of the things I want to do. Here is a little catch up of what has happened with the Walton's.
*Aaron is still in the same position at the same bank and loves it! He is now the President of the Chamber of Commerce. He is so well liked that he was nominated by a few people in the Chamber and everyone in the Chamber voted for him. He is amazing with the kids and they can't wait for daddy to get home everyday. He is also a huge help to me, since I am just now beginning to feel well enough to keep up with the kids and the house.
*I am still at home with all of my munchkins and as most of you know pregnant with #4. I am almost 13 weeks along, due on September 9th and doing alright. We are not going to find out the sex of the baby. We enjoy the surprise of finding out when the little one comes. We have names picked out for a boy and for a girl. Hailey is really hoping for a girl! Mom and Dad don't care either way.
*Hailey turned 3 at the beginning of February and thinks she knows everything. She does amaze us all of the time with how quickly she learns new things and with how much she wants to learn. She is so excited and desperate to go to school. She is VERY social!! She loves to talk to everyone and anyone that comes to our house she thinks is here for her entertainment only. She also recently got her own room (until the new baby arrives) since Uncle Andrew moved out. She loves it!!! We are still working on sharing with her brother and sister, but she is great at sharing with everyone else. Most people can't believe that she just barely turned 3. Sometimes I have trouble with it too.
*Chris and Maddie turned 1 on October 21st. They are walking and get into everything once my back is turned. They keep me very busy! If one doesn't think of something mischievous then the other one does and they both join in. Chris is very physical and likes to problem solve his way out of most things. Maddie is social as long as you are an arms length away and she is becoming much more vocal.
Now you are all caught up with us!!! Enjoy!
Busy Week
2 weeks ago